Dodge Auto Repair
Hahn Automotive is a popular name in the auto repair industry, serving all types of vehicles with all types of repair needs. Whether your vehicle needs new parts, or just regular maintenance, they have everything you need to take care of your car. Hahn also offers the best parts and services for Dodge, Ram, Jeep, and other brands.
Hahn Automotive is well known throughout the county as a leader in vehicle repair and services. They have been providing services to Dodge owners for 50 years. Local dodge owners rely Billy at Hahn Automotive with their questions on fixing Dodge issues. You should call Hahn Automotive for everything from oil changes to brake repair and beyond for your Dodge vehicles.
Hahn Automotive is located off Dutton in Santa Rosa,CA. They have a convenient drop off process and should be put in your contacts if you own a Dodge car, truck, or SUV. Call to make an appointment today!
Hahn Automotive is a trusted name in Dodge and Ram repair. They have earned the trust and loyalty of thousands of drivers in Sonoma County for their quality of service and performance. They are dedicated to offering their customers superior customer service, competitive prices, and fast and convenient service. There are no hidden fees, and Hahn Automotive always guarantees your satisfaction, and that of your entire family.
Hahn Automotive repair experts are trained in the different brands and makes of Dodge and Ram vehicles, and can perform a wide variety of services. They work with all makes and models and can perform repairs on any vehicle. Dodge, Ram, or Chrysler automobile. They also specialize in performing maintenance on certain models and makes of Ford vehicles, like the F-250, and Transit, as well as several other vehicles with the same make and model as yours. The technicians at Hahn Automotive are trained in diagnosing the problem and fixing mechanical problems on Dodge and Ram vehicles, and can customize services to improve your vehicle’s performance.
You can call Hahn Automotive to give your Dodge or Ram a quick inspection to see what they say about it. For a nominal fee, you will be given a free estimate on any service or repair you may need done, including new parts, and maintenance. You will have peace of mind knowing that your car is in good hands and that you will be saving money and time by having it checked out once a year. Your car will look its best and function like new. When it comes time for a warranty or repair, you know that your car is covered and guaranteed.

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car care in Santa Rosa


Phone Number
(707) 544-5080

Hahn Automotive
940 N Dutton Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Open 8am – 5pm, Mon – Fri